Ted 2 is a sequel to Ted, a comedy film starring Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane. Ted 2 tells the story of teddy, who is married and wants to have children. After marriage, the teddy (Seth MacFarlane dub) with a good friend John set foot on the road to find a child. Along the way, the pair embark on a late-night climb into NFL quarterback Tom Brady's house to steal the perfect DNA, and meet Samantha (Amanda Seyfried), a young, beautiful lawyer who smokes marijuana just as much as they do. It's a long road, but Teddy doesn't give up, and his best friend John (Mark Wahlberg) is committed to his quest for a child.
Ted 2 still doesn't disappoint fans. Compared to the first film, which was a bit more one-dimensional and consisted almost entirely of silly jokes, Ted 2 is a mix of dry humor, dark humor, physical humor, sarcastic humor, and doesn't want it to end. For a movie that lasts less than two hours, it's a lot. After seeing the back, I can understand why I edited so hastily in front, because I wanted to express something really rich. Justin Bieber's parody is so apposite and hilarious.
Teddy's Boston accent is expertly rendered, the director's voiceover talent is perfect, and Wahlberg once again proves he's good at comedy. Like most comedy sequels, it's too long and too indulgent compared to the front. The narrative is weak and stiff, and MacFarlane's jokes are funny but not effective. The lazy scriptwriter on display in the film is hard to ignore.